











David Grant

Bethia Thomas



Housing 21



Land south of Park Road Faringdon, SN7 7PL



Reserved matters application for access, appearance, landscaping, layout & scale in relation to the Extra Care Facility following Outline Approval P17/V1082/O. (As amended by drawings received 22 September 2022 and amended drawings and information received November 2022).

Hybrid application for the demolition of existing building/structures and the comprehensive redevelopment of Land South of Park Road, Faringdon, comprising up to 380 residential dwellings (Use Class C3) including affordable homes, provision of an Extra Care facility (Use Class C2 or C3), the provision of land for a school (Use Class D1), vehicular, pedestrian and cycle access from Park Road and Sands Hill, parking, public open space, landscaping, sustainable drainage, and other associated works: 'Phase 1' (Full details): 103 residential dwellings (Use Class C3), access and parking, public open space, landscaping, sustainable drainage, parking and other associated works.  Outline: Up to 277 residential dwellings (Use Class C3), Extra Care Facility (Use Class C3 or C2), land for a school (Use Class D1), access and parking, public open space, landscaping, sustainable drainage, parking and other associated work with all matters reserved.



Cathie Scotting








To authorise the Head of Planning, in consultation with the Chair of Planning Committee, to approve the Reserved Matters application  subject to:


i) the completion of a Deed of Variation to the S106 agreement pertaining to planning permission P17/V1082, to omit reference to a particular specialist housing provider; and


ii) the following conditions:





1. Development in accordance with approved plans



2. Protect hedges during construction

3. Construction Management Statement

4. Access and Vision Splays

5. Car Parking

6. Landscaping – Tree Species

7. External Plant (Noise and Visual Impact)

8. Details of external lighting

9. Details of cycle parking (including covered parking)

10. Details of electric vehicle charging points



11. Details in respect of outline conditions

12. Commencement










This application is referred to the Planning Committee as Faringdon Town Council object to the proposal.




The application site is part of a wider development known as land South of Park Road, Faringdon which is allocated for housing in the Council’s Development Plan. Planning permission was granted under planning reference P17/V1082/O in December 2019 for up to 380 residential dwellings including affordable homes plus the provision of an Extra Care facility (Use Class C2 or C3), the provision of land for a school vehicular, pedestrian and cycle access from Park Road and Sands Hill, parking, public open space, landscaping, sustainable drainage, and other associated works. The overall development site is shown in Appendix 1. The extra care parcel is shown below in its immediate context (Figure 1).



Figure 1: Extra Care Site, Land South of Park Road Faringdon




The original application was in hybrid (outline and full). Full details were granted for Phase 1, comprising 103 residential dwellings, the school land plus the new access into the site from Park Road and the widening of the access into Sand Hill from Park Road. A significant amount of this development is built out including dwellings in proximity to the Extra Care site. Outline permission was granted for the remainder of the site and reserved matters for Phase 2 comprising 277 dwellings (P19/V0984/RM) were permitted in March 2022. This parcel for the Extra Care development remains the last parcel to secure reserved matters consent on the site.




The S106 agreement accompanying the original application secures the provision of the Extra Care facility as 60 affordable housing units. This represents a significant proportion of the affordable housing on site. Originally it was envisaged that the development would be implemented by South Oxfordshire Housing Association (SOHA), however subsequent to the permission being granted SOHA considered there were viability issues with implementation. The Council’s housing service investigated the possibility of other providers stepping in, and Housing 21 have secured an interest and submitted the reserved matters application. A deed of variation will be necessary to omit reference to a particular specialist housing provider.




The application seeks approval of Reserved Matters for the erection of a building containing 60 apartments plus supporting accommodation including staff facilities, a kitchen, dining room and lounge, hair salon, mobile buggy store, indoor cycle and refuse storage. The accommodation is provided over four floors: lower and upper ground floors and first and second floors all of which are served by a lift and stairs.  The building is generally three storey in height with a small element of four storey on the north western corner and a two storey projection on the rear of the northern wing. The building storeys are shown below and in more detail in Appendix 2.




Figure 2: Building storeys




The building has principal facades facing north on to Stepp Lane, and west on to Proctor Way from where it is accessed in the south-west corner. Within the southern part of the site is parking and servicing and a landscaped garden is to be provided in the central part of the site framed by the building. To the south of the site a play area is to be provided and to the east there will be a footpath alongside an established mature hedgerow. Notably there are level differences across the parcel, and the wider allocated site, and this parcel sits on an elevated part of the overall development site. The layout of the site is shown in Appendix 3, the floor plans in Appendix 4 and the elevations in Appendix 5.  






The proposal has been amended to take account of comments received from OCC highways engineer, and particularly to show that the access meets the Equalities Act and is DDA (Disability Discrimination Act) compliant.








A summary of the responses received is set out below.  Comments made can be viewed in full online at



Great Faringdon Town Council

Amended Scheme: Strongly Object

All previous objections stand.

Concern for neighbours who have purchased housing on the understanding the care home would be built as shown on indicative plan.

Concern for evacuation of elderly resident from four storey building in the event of an emergency.

Parking still seems inadequate and cycling provision over provided. The recommendations of Transport Planning Control should be enforced to ensure that neighbouring streets are not filled with parked cars.


Original scheme: Object

The 3-4 storey building is contrary to the Faringdon Neighbourhood Plan section 4.7.

Thirty parking spaces is insufficient for residents, staff and visitors.

The Glanville Travel Plan is unrealistic: It takes more than 14 minutes to walk to Boots and the Dental Practice.

Faringdon Town Council fully supports residents’ concerns and comments on parking, overlooking and access for emergency vehicles.



8 representations from 6 neighbouring residents received in relation to original and amended plans.

Reasons for objection:

·         Massing, scale, design and materials out of keeping

·         Not in accordance with masterplan, site too small for development

·         Detriment to amenity due to overlooking, loss of light and lighting

·         No mention of sustainable energy

·         Insufficient parking, congestion and safety issues on the roads


Oxfordshire County Council – Highway Authority

Amended – No Objection subject to conditions

The applicant as part of the Technical Note has submitted long section details which are DDA compliant.

The Technical Note confirms that the recommendation outlined in the Road Safety Audit

The servicing bay has been lengthened to accommodate a box van which have been further supported by updated swept path analysis drawings.

The updated information on car and cycle parking is accepted.


Original – Cannot support:

Requested more evidence to support levels of car parking proposed, further information in the Travel Plan, plus additional cycle parking.


Oxfordshire County Council (Developer Contributions)

No objection

OCC have no issues with the change in one unit from a 2 bed to 1 bed. This is more reflective of what we would want to see as there is generally higher demand for 1 beds.

Landscape Architect

Holding Objection

I have no overall landscape objection and detailed planting plans have been submitted which are predominately acceptable. However I note that Malus is proposed to be used in the car parking areas. The dropping of fruit onto cars and the slip hazard of fruit on car park surfacing is an issue, so it would be better to provide an alternative tree species. It may also

be appropriate to provide climbers on the larger eastern retaining walls to break up the mass of these walls as the slower growing hedgerows mature.

Forestry Officer

No objection subject to a condition.

There are no existing trees within the site boundary. The retained hedge outside of the site to the East will require protection during construction and therefore a condition should be attached to secure a hedge protection plan to ensure that the hedge is protected during construction works. Hedge protection fencing should be installed along the East boundary of the site to prevent construction works impacting on the hedge.

Countryside Officer

No objection subject to conditions

The update ecological appraisal, with surveys being conducted in May 2022 is a useful update to the ecological baseline of the phase.

Conditions 10 and 11 of the outline permission will still need to be addressed prior to development commencing on this parcel. Outline plans show that this parcel did not include any significant areas of habitat creation, but standard residential development. The biodiversity metric reports a net gain for biodiversity, compared to the pre-existing arable land.

It will be important to ensure that the adjacent hedgerow remains dark and future lighting needs to be controlled.

Urban Design Officer


The scheme provides a competent architectural form and level of detail including responding the development context, its character, material pallet and detailing.

The building has an appropriate scale and massing, responding well to the sites constraints and orientating the bulk of the building to the south to benefit from a southern aspect. The building wrappers itself around the edge of the site and encloses the private grounds

(amenity space) for residents whilst presenting a strong building line to the junction of Proctor Way and Stepp Lane as a key focal building.

Environmental Protection

No objection subject to conditions

With regard to noise there does not appear to be any detail on external plant. Any external plant should be designed to ensure that plant noise does not

exceed 5dBA below the prevailing background noise level at any noise sensitive property.

I welcome the inclusion of two EV charging points within the parking scheme and the provision of charging for mobility scooters. I would recommend that consideration is given to the installation of infrastructure for future expansion of EV charging provision within the parking scheme, during the build out.

Housing Development


The proposed mix varies from that secured within the S106 agreement by one unit, converting a 2-bed flat to a 1-bed flat. The definition of Target Tenure Mix within the S.106 Agreement makes provision for such variations. The Affordable Housing Team considers this variation acceptable and supports the application.

Thames Water

No objection

No objection In respect of foul and surface water. Comment regarding the need for a water capacity study.





P22/V0155/PEJ - Advice provided (28/04/2022)

Proposed 60 no. extra care apartments with associated communal facilities, parking and landscaped gardens.


P21/V0984/RM – Consent (25/03/2022)

Reserved Matters following outline consent P17/V1082/O for the Erection of 277 dwellings with landscaping, parking, sustainable drainage and other associated works (as amplified by supporting information provided in developer response, electric charging points and energy statement received 8 August 2021,  plans reconfiguring garden sizes, updating landscaping scheme, layout and crime prevention design changes received 8 August 2021; drawings and information received 16 December 2021 and 8 March 2022).


P17/V1082/O - Approved (12/12/2019)

Hybrid application (outline and full) for the demolition of existing building/structures and the comprehensive redevelopment of Land South of Park Road, Faringdon, comprising up to 380 residential dwellings (Use Class C3) including affordable homes, provision of an Extra Care facility (Use Class C2 or C3), the provision of land for a school (Use Class D1), vehicular, pedestrian and cycle access from Park Road and Sands Hill, parking, public open space, landscaping, sustainable drainage, and other associated works: 'Phase 1' (Full details): 103 residential dwellings (Use Class C3), access and parking, public open space, landscaping, sustainable drainage, parking and other associated works. Outline: Up to 277 residential dwellings (Use Class C3), Extra Care Facility (Use Class C3 or C2), land for a school (Use Class D1), access and parking, public open space, landscaping, sustainable drainage, parking and other associated work with all matters reserved.

(As amended by plans and documents received on 11 October 2017,15 February 2018, 13 August 2018, 29 November 2018 and clarified by updated plans received 25 July 2019).






The original application was EIA development and that application was accompanied by an Environmental Statement (ES). The environmental information provided in the ES is considered adequate to assess the significance of effects of the development on the environment. This reserved matters application does not introduce any new environmental matters that were not previously considered under the environmental statement. It is therefore considered that this Reserved Matters application falls within

the ambit of the approved ES and an addendum is not required.






The relevant planning considerations are the following:


·         Principle of development

·         Housing

·         Layout

·         Scale

·         Appearance

·         Sustainable design

·         Access and parking

·         Landscaping

·         Biodiversity

·         Residential amenity and noise



Principle of development



Permission for a 60 unit extra care facility on this site has been granted through planning permission P17/V1082. The reserved matters to be considered on this application relate to scale, layout, appearance and landscaping. The parameter plans accompanying the outline application identified the location and size of the Extra Care site, and that the building should be maximum ridge height 12m above proposed ground levels. Below under Scale I provide more explanation on the proposed heights.



The principle of this development, on this site and in this location, complies with Development Plan policy and already has permission.  There are no material changes in planning policy and the established principle of the proposal remains acceptable.






The Section 106 agreement for the substantive permission secures 60 affordable extra care housing units. Due to reasons of viability, a lower proportion of affordable housing (29%) was permitted on the overall site and the extra care facility, which is to be all affordable tenure, represents 47% (rounded) of the overall site total of 128 affordable units.



The proposed mix varies slightly from that secured within the S106 agreement by one unit, converting a 2-bed flat to a 1-bed flat. The S106 agreement allows for such variations and officers consider this variation acceptable. The mix is set out below.  


Table 1: Housing mix and tenure


Unit size           

Affordable rented

Shared ownership


1b/ 2p flat




2b/ 4p flat













The layout is acceptable. The size of the site is the normal standard for affordable Extra Care schemes and was stipulated by Oxfordshire County Council. The illustrative masterplan accompanying the outline permission indicated that that the development on the extra care site may comprise individual units, scattered around the site. The specific requirements of extra care housing in general require a single building rather than a series of individual buildings, where management and care can become diluted. The proposal is for one block of varying scale and massing, arranged in a rough V shape As the masterplan is illustrative the reserved matters do not need to conform to this.



The scheme has been designed to meet Secure by Design criteria. The building will include a progressive privacy strategy which will mean controlled access entrance doors to the main building and internal secure doors between communal rooms and private residential zones.



Residential amenity

The layout provides an appropriate design response to existing dwellings on adjoining phases, sited to comply with the design guide standards and  distances. The proposed boundary treatments are acceptable and external lighting will be controlled through condition. The impact on existing neighbours is acceptable and the proposal accords with policy DP23.



Overall, the proposal is considered compliant with the site wide design strategy, adopted design guide principles and policy CP37.






The proposed scale of development is acceptable. The extra care site is on an elevated part of the overall development and the building will be prominent when approaching from Park Road. However, the design and height of the building is successful in working with the change of levels on site. The approved outline permission permits a maximum height of 12m above proposed ground levels. In accordance with the parameter plans the proposed ground levels are allowed to be 1.5m above existing levels therefore the building can be 13.5m above existing ground level.



The finished garden levels are to be practically the same as existing ground levels. The NW. corner of the building will be four storey, however the lowest storey of this element is sunk into the ground, and the maximum height is 13m above garden levels, thereby the maximum building height is within the approved parameters and will appear as a three storey building from wider views. Detail showing the sunken accommodation of the four storey element is shown below and the proposed adjoining buildings in Proctor Way are also shown for reference.

Figure 3: Section of four storey element on the NW corner Proctor Way



Due to the design of the building, discussed further below, the proposed heights of the building will assimilate into the surrounding development and are not considered to be overbearing or intrusive. The scale of the development is therefore acceptable.







The Faringdon Neighbourhood Plan recognises that Park Road is a principal approach into Faringdon. Policy 4.7C says that residential development should respond to its local context through appropriate use of scale, form, height detailing and materials. The Neighbourhood Plan also discusses the design approach to commercial development in this area, and whilst this development is for residential, the principles are relevant due the large format nature of building. Policy 4.7E says the scale and form should be appropriate to their location and landscape setting and should create a high-quality environment combining the best modern design with local influences.




The Council’s Joint Design Guide specifically addresses apartment buildings, acknowledging that designing apartments can be a challenge to achieve a visually interesting and functional building that respects the character and appearance of the local area. In this case, officers consider that the design responds appropriately to the constraints of the site, particularly the levels and scale required by the parameter plans. The building design uses parapets on the main elevations, with shallow pitched roofs to corner blocks. A scheme with pitched roofs throughout is not proposed as the overall height of the building would need to be considerably higher. The building fronting both roads is stepped back by 8–10 metres from Proctor Way and 3-5 metres from Stepp Lane and the frontage landscaping will mitigate the scale of this building.



The building form is broken down into a series of components to reduce the perceived bulk and massing, with each block linked with a set-back connecting wall, and the two longer blocks facing north and west further broken down

by change of material, roof scape and a recessed wall for the staircase.



Cotswold colour ashlar stone is proposed for the corner feature blocks of

the building and a colour coated metal wall cladding is proposed to compliment

the ashlar stone and to provide a further material type to the elevations. Red brickwork to the parapet facades has been chosen to blend with the new housing development being constructed whilst also acknowledging the historic red brick buildings of Faringdon.



The main entrance to the building is from the Proctor Way near the parking and servicing areas and a secondary entrance is provided from Stepp Way, serving pedestrians but also providing a welcoming and legible entrance when approached from Park Road. The building will provide a key focal point of Proctor Way and Stepp Lane, and a strong building line to these roads.



Overall, it is considered the scheme provides a competent architectural form and the level of detail including the material pallet and detailing complements the surrounding buildings and is acceptable.


Sustainable Design




Policy CP40 Sustainable Design and Construction in LPP1 encourages development to incorporate climate change adaptation and design measures to combat the effects of changing weather patterns in all new development. Faringdon Neighbourhood Plan policy 4.7B: states that all new buildings should minimise their energy, water and resource consumption, and where possible exceed the minimum standards set by legislation.  The policies are aspirational and do not include specific standards. Moreover, the proposed development has planning permission and at this stage the planning considerations relate to the outstanding matters that are reserved, namely layout, scale, appearance and landscaping. 



The proposal however does address energy conservation and sustainable design, set out in the Design and Access Statement, and the following are proposed:


•      A 'fabric first' approach to heating & cooling and therefore the building will

       be insulated beyond the current standards set out within the building


•      The building is fully electric (no gas boilers) with photovoltaic (PV) panels

       on the flat roof behind a parapet wall to maximise use of renewable energy.

•      Heating will consist of low energy heat pumps and panel heaters with

        ventilation heat recovery units (MVHR) to further reduce heating need.     



The proposed car park currently provides two electric car charging points, and infrastructure to all spaces is to be provided. The applicant is agreeable to providing more points and a condition will secure this.


The proposed development therefore complies with the aspirations of the Development Plan policies.






Access and Parking


The application is accompanied by a Transport Assessment, Travel Plan, and Road Safety Audit. Details were supplemented by additional information in an updated Technical Note in respect of the levels of parking and road safety.



The proposal provides for 30 parking spaces including spaces for use by people with disabilities. Parking will be used by staff, residents and visitors. Housing 21 have undertaken a survey of similar schemes and advise that car ownership is low, particularly in the rented sector. The majority of this scheme is for rented tenure (45 units) and the remainder shared ownership (15 units).

The updated technical note advises that upon full occupation, future residents would likely own a total of 9 cars, leaving a remaining 21 spaces available for use by staff (7FTE plus 4 PT) and visitors. This amount of parking for this particular development (which is to be affordable, mainly in rented tenure and for people under care) is considered to cater adequately for handovers and peak use. This level of parking is considered appropriate and acceptable to the Highway Authority. Residents will also have easy access, about 250m from the northern building entrance, to the bus stop on Park Road. Bus service 61 which serves the town and facilities offers a weekly morning service at regular intervals.



The applicants anticipate that future residents are more likely to walk or use a buggy/mobility scooter over cycling and a buggy store that can accommodate a minimum of 10 buggies is proposed. The buggy store is located in the southwest corner of the proposed development on the upper ground level, adjacent to the entrance lobby providing easy access. The scheme incorporates covered storage for 4 cycles and the amended scheme proposes a further 6 Sheffield stands (12 spaces) at the front of the building. The open stands are considered acceptable for visitors however covered cycle areas are preferable for staff and residents. The County Council has also asked for more cycle parking spaces to be provided and a condition is attached to ensure more cycle parking is provided, including more covered parking.



The Highway Authority has assessed the amended proposal and raises no objection in respect of access, the amount of parking, the vehicle ingress / egress and circulation within the site. The details are DDA compliant. Subject to conditions the scheme is acceptable. The highway officer has requested conditions in respect the construction traffic management, access, car parking and cycle parking and these are reflected in the officer recommendation. A request has also been made for a travel plan, however there is already a specific condition for a travel plan which applies to the specialist housing site (condition 29 of P17/V1082) and a further condition is not necessary.  The proposal is acceptable in relation to highway safety and accords with local plan policy CP35 and policies DP16 and DP17. The County Highway Authority finds this acceptable.







The wider landscape strategy for this site was determined through the outline permission. To the south and east of the extra care site the land will be of an open nature, being bounded by a play area to the south and a footpath and mature hedgerow to the east.  The building is set back from the road frontages to the north and west allowing for generous landscaping and tree planting.  The gardens are appropriately designed for the proposed residents and include sitting out areas and walking routes, and benefit from a southerly aspect.  



The tree officer has advised that a specific condition in respect of protection of the nearby hedge during construction is required. A detailed landscaping scheme is submitted with the planning application.  The landscape officer has no objection to the overall scheme but is requesting that a particular tree species is changed as the tree drops fruit which can be slippery. This is addressed through the addition of a condition.  The overall scheme of the scheme is acceptable and the proposal accords with policy CP44.






The biodiversity metric reports a net gain for biodiversity, compared to the pre-existing arable land. The update ecological appraisal, with surveys being conducted in May 2022 is a useful update to the ecological baseline of the phase. The outline plans show that this parcel did not include any significant areas of habitat creation, but standard residential development. Further details in respect of the construction environment management plan (CEMP) and a biodiversity enhancement plan (BEP) required by the outline permission need to be submitted in relation to this parcel. An informative regarding the need to comply with these conditions is attached. The adjacent hedgerow needs to remain dark and future lighting will be controlled through an extra condition.




Residential amenity



The report considers both the amenity for proposed residents and existing residents. Details provided with the Design and Access Statement show the scheme was amended following the pre app enquiry to increase the offset from adjoining properties. The separation distances of over 20m to Proctor Way and Stepp Way ensure that the proposed building will not be overbearing and existing properties will not be affected by a loss of light.



For the proposed residents, a private amenity space is provided within the building enclosure. Amenity space is well provided for residents with each apartment having access to a private patio or balcony greater than 5m2, there is over 1052m2 of enclosed communal space with additional communal space provided as part of the frontage of the building in excess of 600m2. 




The environmental health officer has advised that noise levels of external plant will need to be controlled to ensure there is no undue noise disturbance. A condition is recommended to require the submission and approval of details and compliance with advisory noise levels.




Drainage and water infrastructure



A sustainable drainage scheme has been submitted which is acceptable. The drainage engineer raises no objection, and the proposal is compliant with policy CP42. The outline conditions required the submission of foul and surface water details and also a water supply study. Details on water supply were discharged by condition P20/V0006/DIS. Drainage details for the other phases have been approved however details for this site will need be discharged under the outline condition 21.






Infrastructure for the site wide development was secured by S106 agreement. This included a contribution towards the Faringdon GP surgery of £79,350. The development is not liable for CIL.



Pre-commencement conditions



Several pre commencement conditions from the outline permission remain to be discharged in respect of this parcel, these are:

Condition 10: Construction Environmental Management Plan for Biodiversity (CEMP)

Condition11: Biodiversity Enhancement Plan

Condition 15: Details of materials

Condition 21: Details of surface and foul water drainage

Condition: 29 Specialist Housing Travel Plan



In addition, further conditions in respect of access, car and cycle parking for this site, landscaping (tree species), external lighting, external plant, hedgerow protection and electric car charging points are required.






This application has been assessed against the development plan, the National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF) and all other material planning considerations.  In considering the application, due regard has been given to the representations received from statutory and other consultees. These have been considered in assessing the overall scheme.



The site is allocated in the adopted local plan and there is an extant outline planning permission on the site for up to 380 dwellings plus the extra care facility. Reserved Matters have been previously approved for adjoining parcels of development and are under construction.



The reserved matters to be approved relate to layout, scale, appearance and landscaping. Parameter plans and the S106 agreement for the substantive permission determined the location and size of the site and set limits in respect of the scale of the extra care building. The application complies with all these parameters. The building is of a more contemporary appearance than the surrounding residential development, however it has been carefully designed to protect the amenity of existing residents and mitigate its visual impact through the use of building line setbacks, a mixture of parapet and shallow pitched roofs and generous landscaping on the frontages. The substantive material is brick and has been chosen to complement the surrounding development.



The amount of car parking is acceptable for this particular development where residents will be in receipt of care. All the tenure is affordable, 75% of which will be rented.  Electric vehicle charging points, mobile buggy and cycle parking are all adequately provided for and a bus service is available from Park Road.



This extra care facility comprises a significant proportion of the affordable housing on the overall site and will provide much needed affordable specialist housing for the District. The reserved matters details submitted in this application are acceptable.  Subject to the variation of the S106 agreement and recommended conditions, the application should be approved.




The following planning policies have been taken into account:


Vale of White Horse Local Plan 2031 Part 1 (LPP1) Policies:


CP01  -  Presumption in Favour of Sustainable Development

CP02  -  Cooperation on Unmet Housing Need for Oxfordshire

CP03  -  Settlement Hierarchy

CP04  -  Meeting Our Housing Needs

CP07  -  Providing Supporting Infrastructure and Services

CP20  -  Spatial Strategy for Western Vale Sub-Area

CP20A  -  Housing Supply for Western Vale Sub-Area

CP22  -  Housing Mix

CP24  -  Affordable Housing

CP26  -  Accommodating Current and Future Needs of the Ageing Population

CP33 - Promoting Sustainable Transport and Accessibility

CP35  -  Promoting Public Transport, Cycling and Walking

CP36  -  Electronic communications

CP37  -  Design and Local Distinctiveness

CP38  -  Design Strategies for Strategic and Major Development Sites

CP42  -  Flood Risk

CP43  -  Natural Resources

CP44  -  Landscape

CP45  -  Green Infrastructure

CP46  -  Conservation and Improvement of Biodiversity


Vale of White Horse Local Plan 2031 Part 2 (LPP2) Policies:

DP02  -  Space Standards

DP16 -   Access

DP17 – Transport Assessment and Travel Plans

DP21  -  External Lighting

DP23  -  Impact of Development on Amenity

DP25  -  Noise Pollution

DP26  -  Air Quality

DP27  -  Land Affected by Contamination

DP28  -  Waste Collection and Recycling

DP33  -  Open Space

DP39  -  Archaeology and Scheduled Monuments


Neighbourhood Plan


Faringdon Neighbourhood Plan was adopted in December 2016. Relevant policies comprise:


Policies 4.7A: Materials and Roofscape – new buildings should be designed with careful regard for local character and styles, roofscape consider impacts on townspace and landscape and comply with Vale Design Guide

Policy 4.7B: Resource Consumption

All new buildings should minimise their energy, water and resource consumption, and where possible exceed the minimum standards set by legislation. New development should provide sufficient space for recycling and composting

Policy 4.7C: New housing should respond to its local context through appropriate scale, form height detailing and materials. Density should be consistent with character of immediate area, and well linked by foot and cycle to town centre and schools

Policy 4.7D: Secured by design Should incorporate principles of Secure by Design

Policy 4.7E: Visual Impact 



Supplementary Planning Guidance/Documents


South Oxfordshire and Vale of White Horse Joint Design Guide 2022



National Planning Policy Framework and Planning Practice Guidance



Other Relevant Legislation


Human Rights Act 1998

The provisions of the Human Rights Act 1998 have been taken into account in the processing of the application and the preparation of this report. It is

considered that no identified group will suffer discrimination as a result of this




Equality Act 2010

In determining this planning application the Council has regard to its equalities obligations including its obligations under Section 149 of the Equality Act 2010. The impact upon individuals has been balanced against the public interest and the officer recommendation is considered to be proportionate.



Author: Cathie Scotting

Contact No: 01235 422600
